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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Sales Training’s Role in Growing Your Business

Sales training is a vital tool in ensuring your sales team is as effective as possible and constantly evolve their skills and knowledge to keep them at the top of their game.

Proven best practices can help you to set your team up for success with sales workshops and sales training programs that help them change and adapt their selling methods and techniques. In turn, your business will benefit from an unstoppable sales machine. Here are our four sales training top tips that will keep it well oiled and running smoothly:

1. Access your sales team

Every sales team has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, regardless of whether it’s a team of five people or 100 and depending on the industry it targets.

Assessing your sales team will help you to understand your value proposition, the effectiveness of sales processes that are currently in place, whether your current prices are acceptable in the industry, whether compensation is at a level that motivates your sales team, and whether you have the right salespeople to succeed.

Above all else, this process will help you to understand how your sales team functions, pinpoint areas for improvement and where sales training, and what kinds of sales training courses, will be required.

2. Choose the right sales training format

Your assessment will help you understand the sales training that your team needs to grow and improve. There are a wide range of options available, from internal and external options, short courses and in-person workshops, through to larger sales conferences that provide you with a wider perspective of what’s happening in the industry. 

In-house sales training courses can be a great way to get salespeople trained up on a schedule that works for them, while in-person sales workshops can help to build up excitement among your team and are a good way to break up their working day. Working with an outside consultant can be a great option for bringing in new ideas and experiences to keep things fresh. While sales conferences, like the National Sales Conference 2020, are a fantastic resource for helping your sales team learn from proven leaders and get a pulse on what’s happening in your industry.

3. Choose the right course for your sales team

Effective sales training courses can cover a wide range of issues, from how to create a sales plan through to cold calling best practices, motivation techniques and much more. The key, therefore, is to select a course that helps your sales team to grow and progress.

4. Hone the sales skills that every business needs

Dealing with common issues: Even the best salespeople come up against objections that can be prepared for by creating scripts or advice on how to answer common complaints. Work with your team to create a list of common objections they receive from prospects, brainstorm potential responses or solutions to these issues, then create short scripts or templates that will help them to move past these problematic topics.

Identifying bad customer signals: Chasing the wrong prospects is a drain on time and resources that every salesperson has suffered. And sometimes winning a bad client can be even worse, wasting your time, demoralising your sales team, and affecting your business’ reputation. It’s therefore important to provide sales training on the signs of a bad client and nip the process in the bud as soon as possible. Red flags include prospects who are rude or get nasty, don’t respect your time or boundaries, and are unrealistic on deadlines.

Preparing for cold sales: Being able to sell to prospects with confidence is a vital trait for all salespeople. But new or inexperienced salespeople are likely to struggle with calling or emailing strangers, may be concerned about rejection, or worried about presenting to new people. This fear is natural, so it’s significant to provide sales training to help them handle it in a manner that makes them more confident, friendly, and happier.

Articulating value to prospects: Not being able to explain the value of your product or services is a sure-fire way to lose sales. Salespeople need to be able to clearly articulate the value and benefits that products or services will provide to prospects. Provide sales training that will help salespeople to learn how to articulate the value of products until it becomes second nature to them.

Closing the deal: One of the most significant sales skills that every salesperson needs to master is the ability to close the deal. Without the right guidelines and processes, they’re unlikely to know when and how to spot the telltale signs of the perfect moment to get the deal over the line. Provide sales training seminars around the virtual close and sessions that teach salespeople to become more decisive and built relationships with prospects.

Sales training never stops

A good sales organisation will realise that sales training never stops, from providing in-house, on-the-job training, through to attending sales conferences and sales management training. There will always be new techniques for your salespeople to learn, new ways of selling to people, new objections to overcome and new ways of adding value to prospects. The significant thing is that you keep on top of changes in the market and invest in sales training to help your salespeople grow and the best that they can be.


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