15.3 C
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Are You Providing a Great Customer Experience?

Yelp. Rotten Tomatoes. Amazon 5-star reviews. Consumer Reports. Today’s consumer has nearly unlimited outlets to express their satisfaction (or, all too often, their dissatisfaction) with a service or product they have received. It’s been said that if you do something well, someone will hear about it. Do something wrong, and twenty people will hear about it. This holds true of your business, and it’s why it’s important to give your customers the very best service you can offer, every time, all the time.

As we’ve seen in the ACE Report, customer experience trumps price when it comes to B2B buying decisions, but is everyone looking for the same customer experience? For some, that experience is working with a stable, reputable vendor, while others (such as German B2B buyers) emphasize the importance of convenience and easy access to information.

You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression

Making a good first (and second, and third) impression is crucial. B2B buyers are working with corporate budgets, not personal finances. Their recommendations and decisions impact far more than just their own bank account. Entire departments and business units could be impacted by a poor purchase, and those buyers need assurances that you know what you are doing, you can be trusted, and that you will be there for them.

Don’t Let The Honeymoon End

You need to not only give them your full attention during the sales process but all through implementation and long after if you want them to remain a satisfied customer. All too often, a buyer feels left out in the cold after a sale is completed. Perhaps they only hear from their vendor when renewals are up, or when they are trying to upsell the customer on a different tier or expanded features. Be sure to keep in contact with your buyers after the sale, even if it’s through a customer newsletter or even occasional emails just to touch base and see how they are enjoying using the product. Using straightforward marketing, a commitment to quality, and continued communication, you can turn customers into brand ambassadors.

Find out how Apttus can help you by visiting their website, here.

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Posted here with permission from our 2019 National Sales Conference Sponsors, Apttus.



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