What is it about Formula 1 that draws so many people in as super fans? 

Is it the adrenaline rush? 

The beauty, speed & power of the cars? 

The childhood dream of being a racing driver? 

One man who was definitely a super fan is Perry McCarthy, and he didn’t let anyone dull his desire to succeed. 

At just 18, he used his hard-earned money from working on the North Sea Oil Rigs to fund his entry into the sport... not only did he get in, he had immediate success and won the British FF1600 Championship. 

It wasn't all plain sailing, with injury and a year-long break, he was forced to focus on his fitness but he also made building relations with potential sponsors and partners his mission - a difficult task that makes or breaks most drivers' dreams! 

Perry made it to Formula One against top international competition, he wrote a best-selling autobiography ‘Flat Out Flat Broke’ and became 'The Stig' on BBC Top Gear! 

Perry will be joining us on March 1st and following his motto to do 'Whatever it takes', he'll be sharing:

⭐ Personal performance and the power of the individual - preparation, focus, resilience and pressure 

⭐ Pursuing a dream against the odds and goal setting 

⭐ Turning failure into opportunities 

⭐ Risk management and fear

I’m super excited for this one, see you online!

Steve Lindsey

National Sales Conference

& The Growth Hub




The Characteristics You Need to be Successful

For 30 years, Simon Hartley has been one of the UK’s leading sports psychologists and performance coaches, working with multiple Olympians, Premier League footballers and Championship-winning rugby teams. In the time Simon has been working with high-achieving individuals and teams, he has found that there’s more to being truly great than mindset and confidence. All the successful athletes have certain characteristics that ensure they succeed, and you can develop these to succeed too...



Thriving in the Competitive World of Rugby

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