Another headline filled week… 

  • ‘Troll of Trondheim’ - Icy Arctic air is set to bite Britain 
  • The Three Lions made it through to the quarter-finals of the World Cup 
  • Thai monks fail drug tests leaving temple empty 
  • Today is ‘Pretend to Be a Time Traveller Day’
Now I couldn’t believe the last one was true but after some in-depth research, aka Google, I found that it is actually a day to celebrate?!

So at Growth Hub HQ we wanted to help you get your Time Traveller groove on by revisiting the National Sales Conference 2022 and playback some of the sessions.

See you next week, 


Steve Lindsey

National Sales Conference

& The Growth Hub




Engage Your Customers in a Tough Environment

There are two key challenges sellers are facing today. 

First, many are still struggling to adapt to virtual selling (and this is not just the experienced sellers). Second, buyers are distracted meaning sellers are often struggling to get the insight they need on calls and maintain customer engagement once meetings are over. In this interview Richard Smith, VP Sales EMEA at Allego discusses ways that may to help overcome these struggles.




The New Science to Win-Back Conversations

Whether they were pushed away, pulled away or priced away, at some point you’ve had a loyal customer leave. Does that mean it’s over for good? Find out how sellers approached ex-customers using different win-back messages and... 

Which approach get’s the best (& worst) response? 

Should you treat lost customers as new logos? 

If their reason for leaving affects their chances to return.