What do Duran Duran and Little Red Riding Hood have in common? 

The wolf, often seen as fierce, aggressive and scary, but a wolf pack represents loyalty, good communication and intelligence… all the things you need to be a good teamplayer. 

Someone who isn’t scared of the big bad wolf is Karl Fitzpatrick, former professional rugby player at Widnes and Salford, also representing Ireland on the international stage before joining Warrington Wolves as a volunteer, working his way to the top job as CEO. 

I enjoy interviews with elite athletes, but I am often left feeling that their stories are slightly removed from reality (partly because I know I will never be an elite athlete!). Plus, players and leaders from the very top sports clubs are often disconnected from competitors in their own respective leagues. 

We might want to read the success stories of Man City or Barcelona, but there are more life lessons talking to players and leaders involved in a relegation fight. 

Rugby League is super competitive on the pitch but the commercial system around them is equally as competitive. Karl discusses how Warrington Wolves had to compete for fans and commercial partners with multiple local world class competitors in the Rugby and Football arena.

See you next week!

Steve Lindsey

National Sales Conference

& The Growth Hub




On LinkedIn But Want Better Results?

Creator of the LinkedIn Profile Audit (LIPA) and author of two LinkedIn books, Tony K Silver, is a LinkedIn profile expert. In this video, Tony discusses how you can take your audience from confusion to clarity and onto certainty on LinkedIn by optimising your profile to get high up in the search engine, getting your Top Card set up to engage your ideal client and some things you need to do to get your posts in front of more potential customers.



Undivided Attention vs. Divided Attention

Sarah spent 20 years as an RAF helicopter pilot and Squadron Leader leading operational combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. During her experiences at home and war, she learned that tough capable people don’t always feel as strong as they look. In this masterclass, she discusses the importance of prioritising, why being ‘productive’ is wasting up to 2 hours of your day and why turning away business can sometimes be beneficial for you!