It does feel, after the sad news of the last couple of weeks, we might be returning to a bit of normality. 

What a truly wonderful send-off for the Queen on Monday. It was warm, elegant and I felt, as a country, we made Her Majesty proud, even if it was only a small reflection of how proud she made us during her years of service. 

The Queen is someone who inspired me immensely, not just as a monarch but as a truly great, empathetic & humble leader. She dedicated her life to serving others, created an unrivaled global personal brand, kept her cool through the most challenging of times and always made people smile - Bond & Paddington moments will stay with me forever. 

I’ve no doubt that she will continue to be an inspiration for current and future generations. 

With such a fantastic leader and role-model to learn from, I look forward to the reign of King Charles III, especially with his values towards conservation, sustainability & the environment. 

See you next week!


Steve Lindsey

National Sales Conference

& The Growth Hub




How to Delegate Tasks Successfully

“If you want a job done properly, then do it yourself”. 

Said words to this effect at one point or another? Delegation is risky, but without it, you have stressed leaders, dis-empowered teams and people deprived of the chance to stretch themselves. Nobody wins in these scenarios so you need to know what to do and what not to do when it comes to delegating tasks to your team.



Being able to unify your team with one, clear vision is a fundamental skill for any leader. A vision, particularly a well-explained and inspirational one, will unite your team with a common goal and ensure motivation whilst also informing customers where the business is heading. Now that might seem aspirational, and only capable as coming from the very top. But that’s not the case... All leaders can be visionary and shape the way the business operates.