Seems there are two ways to feel about the return of school… 

Some parents love it… they get some independence back, start saving money again and a welcomed return to routine. 

On the other hand, it can make the morning commute twice as long, more traffic on the road with people returning to work, plus some needing to drop their kids off on the way! 

But for many, September is seen as an important ‘season’ of the year, it’s often the time when people knuckle down, tick things off for the year in the run up to the ‘C’ word 😉. They think about themselves, what they still want to achieve this year and plans for rolling into the next. 

We believe that personal & professional development is something to focus on all year round which is why we want to see you at the UK’s Most Inspiring, Educational & Motivational event for leaders and sales teams! 

Join us on 10 November in Birmingham, early bird ends 30 Sept (save from £150 per person). Plus, group deals ending this Friday with 4 tickets for the price of 3 and 10 for 7!


See you soon!




How to Capture Great Audio

Video has revolutionised the delivery of information and prospecting. Terrible audio or background noise can be very distracting for your viewer and with 83% of people preferring to watch video to access information, having loud and clear audio in your videos is not a luxury, it's an absolute must-have.. Discover the do's and dont's HERE.



There are several ideas for how long it takes to get into a habit, ranging from 3 weeks to 3 months... but it’s very easy to slip into BAD habits and hard to get out of them. When it comes to selling, those bad habits can result in low productivity, poor results and therefore, loss of revenue. We've got you! Here are three sales mistakes to avoid at all costs...