As a football fan, I am gearing up for a number of upcoming derbies. From the East Midlands derby to a Manchester classic, North London to West London, the next few days will be packed full of passion, energy & excitement!

But what is the big deal about a derby?

I think I speak for us all when I say the stakes are that little bit higher when you’re playing against your local and most direct competition, it makes the victory even sweeter, but to win you need to be at your very best.

That’s why I recommend securing your tickets to the National Sales Conference, on 23 November, and save £350 on the early bird by booking this week. 

Universally regarded as the UK’s leading Personal & Professional Development event for C-Level, Business Owners, Sales Leaders & Sales Professionals the National Sales Conference will help you win more business and stay ahead of the competition.

See you next week, 


Steve Lindsey

National Sales Conference

& The Growth Hub




3 Things You Should Be Tracking About Your Competitiors

Learning from the competition is often an exercise that begins at the very start of a business’ journey. It’s included in the SWOT analysis and a more detailed competitor analysis. But, regularly tracking what your competitors are doing should be a recurring exercise. While your competitors are often seen as the enemy, instead, try to learn from them – how they work, who they target, and are they doing something you are missing? Here are three things you should be tracking to get some valuable insights...



Good Day & Bad Day Behaviour

For every ‘Good’ behaviour there is a version of it that someone could interpret as ‘Bad’. YOU might believe you are acting from a strength but it might be being received in a far more challenging way. Especially if the recipient is not like you or doesn't like you. In this video, Andy Edwards, creator of "Relationomics", helps you discover which of the basic behavioural types you are, how others might perceive you, your own 'dark side' and the most important lesson in behavioural psychology.