Lead Generation - the action or process of identifying and cultivating potential customers for a business's products or services.

It’s a term we all know well as sales leaders & professionals, in fact 50% of marketers consider lead generation the top priority in their marketing campaigns. 

But in today's turbo-charged world, lead generation is all about speed. Quick responses, lightning-fast websites, and mobile-friendliness are the new cool. Stay on top of social media, let automation be your sidekick and test like a boss. 

But… it's not just about speed, it's about zapping value right away. 

Time to kick your lead gen into high gear and watch it take off with Candice Arnold, Marketing Operations & ESM CMO at IFS, sharing valuable insights into the world of lead generation and discover proven strategies to maximise its potential.

See you next week!



Steve Lindsey

National Sales Conference

& The Growth Hub